WTF, THE WATER POPS!?!? Health wealth stealth 🌊 we getting the plug on #kangenwatermachine from @alkaline_electric_water @jason_wussler & We are getting dialed in on the business. Thanks Jason for putting us on @nubia_esny & I are very pleased w/ our new great tasting, silky smooth, extra healthy, medical alkaline water supply, I feel like less recovery time after skating / training sessions, less bathroom breaks in the middle of the night & the beauty water has been making our skin & plants nice too. Health is priceless, how much do u spend a month in bottled water? Get at us if you are interested or have questions 🤜🏽💯🤛🏽 #alkaline #water #bestwaterfilter #rollsroyceofwater#waterman #alkalinewatermachine