Street Skateboarding History: 1992

This is a short preview version, the full version can be watched in higher definition here: 1992: the height of the “Big Pants Small Wheels” era of street skateboarding. Broken down month by month: January 1992 Jed Walters, Shiloh Greathouse and Spencer Fujimoto filmed by “T-Dog” (Mark Eaton) in San Francisco. Tony Hawk starts Birdhouse Projects with Jeremy Klein February 1992 Jason Lee leaves Blind to start Blue, with Kareem Campbell. POW Wow at Powell II. Eric Koston is on 101, Chico Brenes is on World. March 1992 Frank Hirata is on SMA, Ryan Fabry does kickflip fs noseslide on a handrail. April 92 Colin Mckay & Rodney Mullen on Plan-B, Powell Hot Batch is out, World Industries USA ams tour (Hell Tour) May 1992 Plan B Releases Questionable June 1992 Love Child released, Brian Lotti on bLind, Adam Mcnatt on 101 July 1992 bLind releases Tim and Henrys Promo Video August 1992 Eric Ricks goes pro for Powell, Santa Cruz video BPSM is out September 1992 Henry Sanchez gets Ronnie Bertino on bLind, Tim Gavin gets Jeron Wilson on bLind November 1992 Tony Ferguson on Plan-B, Ron knigge does a nollie 540 triple flip, Birdhouse Ravers is out December 1992 Eric Ricks leaves Powell for Think, Powell Chaos is out.

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