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Recap 'Full Bleed' 10th Anniversary Book Tour & Signing @ Slashers Hawaii 1/29/22

Photos Señor Kale Oliva

Michelle, Kenny, Rae, Alex, and Jun. Thank you to Kenny and Michelle for taking the time out of their busy schedule running and cooking at their restaurants Rajanee Thai Food in Haleiwa and Mililani. Thank you for sponsoring the wonderful food and blessing us with your presence. 

Kenny is a 4x Legend, skated for Hosoi in the 80's.

Kenny also has a photo in the book and was signing autographs. Skating at the Banks, black and white classic pic.

Generations: Señor Kale, his grandson & his son w/ Señor's Spencer & Rhydem

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Señor'a Jaime Reyes BORN FEB.29th Leap Day Child

Happy birthday Señor’a @_jaime_reyes 🤙🏽🍻🤛🏽 her birthday only happens once every 4 years!?!?!?She is a  #leapdaychild born on FEB.29th #leapday so technically she is like 8 & 3/4’s or something like that celebrate like it’s 1999💥 love you sis❤️
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'Full Bleed' 10 Year Anniversary Book

Full Bleed: New York City Skateboard Photography (10th Anniversary Edition)

Edited by Alex Corporan, Ivory Serra, and Andre Razo, with a foreword by Tony Hawk.

Coming 28 October 2021



‘captures the sensation of flight and movement within heavy, confining spaces, and the sweeping colors of the boards, the graffiti, and the riders as they fly between the gray sky and grayer pavement’ The New Yorker

Skateboarding in New York City is a singular experience. It is impossible not to feel the magnitude of the landscape, and with the city in constant motion, skateboarding is both exhilarating and extremely dangerous. There is no right or wrong way to navigate this vast terrain. Only one thing is certain – the skaters and images produced in New York City are wholly unique.

The shots in Full Bleed span 30 years, with contributions from over 40 photographers. This tenth anniversary edition is a comprehensive overview of one of the most diverse and rich skating locations in the world, bringing together legendary skaters and iconic photographers.

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